Thursday, August 20, 2009

Short Lived Summer and The Pain Starts Again...

Well, its true, the pain starts again. Which is translated into the fact that college started again yesterday. I cannot say that I am happy... I seem to have had a very short summer indeed. The first part of "summer vacation" was filled with worries of Papaw, and his death. The second part of summer was filled with concessions, and travels. So, I really had no summer... so now with the semester starting again, I wonder what in the heck I did with my time!

But, this summer was eventful in many ways. As I said, Papaw died, and that was heartbreaking. However, I know his suffering is over, and I guess that is what allows me to be okay with it. He met Jesus, and I envy him for that~! :)

Also, Deke proposed this year. It was the most adorable thing in the world. He started a new job recently, and works on the road, building Wal-Mart Supercenters with my daddy. However, prior to that, he was a concessionaire just like me. So, we have lived the carnie life for years, and that is how we met. So, this year, he come to the fair to surprise me, and after work he proposed! It was awesome! The carnie proposal!!! :)

Something else that happened was the cutting of my hair. Although that sounds like a insignificant event, it was dramatic for me! Lol... I have not had short hair since I was in 3rd grade, and so it was a big shock... But I really like it. It barley touches my shoulders. Its super cute! :)

But that was basically my entire summer. Oh, and my Pastor left my church. That was heartbreaking and dramatic also. I was very angry when I found out, and thought that if my Pastor has no faith in my church, I shouldn't either. However, when I got to church on his last sermon, I talked to him. He told me about wanting to follow God's will and that he felt like his time as Pastor was over. He did say that he loved me and would help me with anything, and even marry Deke and I still yet. So, as much as I hated to see him go, it was bittersweet. I love him, but am looking forward to some good changes in my church that has seemed to die in the last couple years.

But, now the pain starts. I assume that in no time, I will start another major war with Microsoft Word, as I have taken three English classes, one Linguistics class, and one Education class. So, I will be writing a lot... and tutoring at the Alternative School, and be doing field work. This is going to be a busy semester.

So, even though summer was short, and I hate that I have such a difficult schedule ahead of me, I am ecstatic to be back in the social life of college, where my friends are. Also, I am now a senior, so that is exciting. :)

Also, I am starting the task of planning my wedding. That is SuPeR exciting!!!!!!! :) I can't wait!!!!

Anyway, I guess I should go shower and prepare for my first day in Education 3285! :)

Later Folks!!!