Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Disney Princess Night...

Okay, so I have discovered that summer= boredom. I have reached a point in my life where TV isn't amusing. Movies bore me. When there isn't homework to be done, I sit around and wait for someone to call me, or come over, and keep me from getting bored. However, the other night, I hit a low. Deke was away at work. Michelle was busy with her boyfriend, and all my other friends were occupied with their non-boring lives. So what did I do? I decided to get out of the house. Where did I go? Well, Wal-Mart of course! I decided that I needed to leave, and buy a coloring book. It allowed me to get out of the house for a little while, and I was also going to have something to occupy me when I arrived back home. So, I went and found the most amazing coloring book in the world: DISNEY PRINCESSES!! I have always been a hardcore Disney Movie fan after all... So I went home pretty excited, and I began the search for the perfect Disney movie so that I could watch Disney Princesses, while coloring them. My selected Disney Princess: Jasmine, from Aladdin. This was my favorite movie EVER when I was little. So much in fact, that I had the bed clothes, and even the Jasmine Barbie... Anyway, so I finally found all three Aladdin movies: Aladdin, The Return of Jafar, and The Kind of Thieves. I was pretty excited, but I must admit, still a little depressed... So, I got the first movie out, but in into the VCR in the living room, and heard the most awful noise in the world. The VCR had tried to EAT MY ALADDIN MOVIE! I was devestated. Here I was, coloring book and crayons in hand, with a messed up Disney movie. I was already feeling pretty low anyway. Here I am, finally out of college, enjoying free time, alone, but I can't enjoy it. I felt like I was so boring that my friends kept blowing me off, and I was just in a bad mood. I angerly jerked the tape from the VCR and the tape part was hanging out and wrinkled. I almost cried. That was my favorite Disney movie, Aladdin!

So, in a deperation, I rolled the tape back inside of it, and stormed up to my bedroom, where a VCR was actually more than 20 years old. It works... So, I placed the tape inside, and prayed to God that he have mercy on my fragile mind and allow the tape to work. Praises... it did. So, I laid on my bed for the next few hours, coloring pictures of Jasmine. I still yet was not content. I told myself this whole sorid scene was pretty pathetic. I was assured of this when Deke finally arrived, and he looked at me like I was crazy, because of my "Disney Princess Night"... He told me I needed to find something to do. I now have high hoped of finding a puzzle to assemble. Deke is now working out of town, in South Carolina, and I am wondering how many more Disney Princess Nights I might have now that he is away. He keeps me occupied, but now he is gone.

Anyway, I have to admit, as sad as it was, I did keep myself busy all night, and colored some amazing pictures. I am so darn crafty!!! LoL... Oh well... I am off to go find something to do. I am clearly bored right now (thus I am blogging). But yeah... Much love to all...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"No I'm Not A Carnie..." continued...

... Hahah... I have made a decision. What is it you may ask. Well... this picture will be the "author photo" for my book. Isn't that fitting? You can see the hysteria in my face... I love it!

Also, for the cover, I have decided to put either a picture of the "fair" or maybe the picture of the lemondae trailer that is already on this blog.

LoL... I know... I'm crazy!

"No... I'm Not a Carnie, I Bathe Every Night"... It's true... my book is totally coming to life!

Well, here is after, at 5:00 in the morning, and I once again can't sleep. I guess that is to be expected, since I took a 4 and a half hour nap today... Hmm... I love sleeping in the daytime.

Anyway, finals week is now over for me. I had my last battle with Microsoft war, and I ended the battle. At noon tomorrow I will hand in my final two essay, and complete my Junior year of college. I really cannot believe I have been in college that long...three years! It seems unreal that I am that old, and that I have actually made it this far. However, I have this great sense of accomplishment, and what is even more, I have this great sense of relief and more importantly, FREE TIME!

So, what are my plans for this summer? Well, I am going to go back to work at the fair, working as a concessionaire. I love my job, and I could think of nothing better to do this summer. I am excited.

Something else that is pretty major that I intend to so this summer is... WRITE A BOOK!!! I know many of you have probably heard me talking about it, because I am uber excited! So, what is this book, everybody else might ask? Why, it is my story of work. It is the true confessions of a concessionaire. Haha! This is going to be so0o0o great.

So, I have already started writing about it. I don't have chapters written yet, but I have figured out what each chapter is going to be about, what it will include, and finally, what each is going to be called.

It goes a little something like this:


"No, I'm Not a Carnie, I Bathe Every Night"

Chapter I- What is a Carine, and Why I am Not One
  • This chapter will talk about the differences between "Carnie" and "Concessionaire". These differences include issues such as bathing at night, washing our clothes daily, among other things.
Chapter II- Before Life Gave Me Lemons
  • This chapter will discuss my life before I became a concessionaire
Chapter III- The View From the Boxtruck
  • This chapter will discuss what life is like when you live at the fair, camping there, and never leaving the fairgrounds.
Chapter IV- Hey... Crap Happens...
  • This chapter will discuss some of the funny events that happen at the fair. These include a woman, forcing me to shake her three lemonades, and after each one, declaring "I cannot drink this, there is a bug in it", in a very strange accent. Another event is the phrase, "I'll go straight Steve Rader on you." This is based from my bosses father, another concession's owner, who gets grouchy. So... we named an expression of anger after him. Another event is the "Pussy $1.00" sign, that occurred when someone rearranged the letters on my menu board. Bees attacking customers. Making Brett paranoid by telling him he wasn't allowed to use the bathroom in his camper, and he couldn't go to the other bathroom because the girl had genital warts (when she didn't). Another event is witnessing Ryan and Jacinda (my bosses) fighting. Also "special people"
Chapter V- Things That Make You Go... Blah!
  • This chapter includes what exactly "fair attire" includes. This covers short shorts in EVERY SIZE, the ever present "camel toe", thank tops that also come in EVERY SIZE
Chapter VI-The Lodown...
  • This chapter will cover the difference from fair to fair that I attend. These include Adams County fair, where people are... less than sophisticated... (to say in the least, they pay with pennies!), Washington Courthouse, where people really are sophisticated (they pay with hundred and fifty dollar bills), Pike County Fair, where normalcy is almost restored since it is a good redneck kind of area, and finally Scioto County Fair, which for a lemon shaker, this is the superbowl of all fairs!
Chapter VII-My Love Life... Was It Just A Lack of Options? (Alternative title: Love At First Lemon)
  • This chapter will talk about how I found love at the fair, from a guy who worked in a sausage trailer. It will talk about how I used to save the first cup of sweet tea, "because it was the sweetest." It will talk about our crazy midnight swimming parties, the fairy tale ending... if we get married will be buy our own trailer, and live our lives, concessionaire style?
Chapter VIII- Guarding the family jewels...err... uhh... lemons...
  • This chapter will cover my many incidents in which I have played guard dog, and almost gotten in fights.
Chapter IX- Harrassing New Workers (New a need title... this one is boring... any ideas?)
  • This will talk about "the new kids", and what I do to them. Includes information about "15 year old boys who look like 12 year old girls", and even a boy named Derrik who I called "Dirk" and "Dirt", and the pranks I played on him such as "Dirk you have a customer, just to get him to turn around... 100 times in one night)
Chapter X- "Shelly Speak" (I might add this chapter to the one about life at the fair, Chapter III)
  • If included alone, it will cover my behavior while at work, how I speak, constantly sing and whistle, play games, cut straws and give them out, pull trailers, and even making fun of fair people and carnies with the code phrase "what are you looking at?"
Chapter XI- Bosses, the "supposed authority figures" (I will probably move this chapter up, to introduce true fair life...)
  • This is obviously going to be about my bosses, Ryan and Jacinda, and their family.
Chapter XII- Health Inspections (Need a better title, Perhaps "Assessing the Situation)
  • This will talk about crazy health inspectors, and those incidents. Incidents include bugs in the sugar, test strips, fire hydrants and passing them around before the inspector acutally arrives, bleach and also sharing this, sink swapping...yeah, we even share these...
Chapter XIII- Swap Days, an experience in and of itself... and other minor events
  • Swap Days is a very crazy place. This chapter will talk about why. Includes ideas about the variety of animals (even tigers and monkeys), crazy people, "hairy beast (a super nice customer who hates clothing, but is VERY hairy). This chapter will also cover some of the smaller events I go to, such as festivals. I might actually just make a chapter about festivals.
Chapter XIV- "You Have 800 missed calls"... no really, your friends want you to come home!
  • This chapter will cover how my friends feel about me leaving the fair. One even said, and I quote, "I feel like you are my solider away at war!" It will also talk about how I tend to draft my friend's help when I need them, and give them the advice to thank me now, hate me later... because it really is hard work!
Chapter XV- The Fair From an Outsider Point of View (Need a better title)
  • I think I might actually interview people and see their take on the fair. So... if you are reading this... be prepared to be asked, and if you want to volunteer, thats cool too!
Chapter XVI- Things You Will and Will Not Find at the Fair (Need better title, perhaps "The Questions Are Answered")
  • This will include some of the crazy or annoying questions people ask me such as the following: Do you have papertowels, do you have change, do you have pizza or pop, etc. Carnie... err...
Chapter XVII- Concessionaire's for Life (Alternative title: A Lifelong Job... or at least the boss hopes so...)
  • This will talk about the fact that since I am going to be a teacher, I will have summer off, and will technically be able to work...
Chapter XVIII- When Life Gives You Lemons...
  • This will talk about how my life is now. I am not shy anymore, am kind of crazy, and definitely a SOCIAL BUTTERFULY .
Chapter XIX- (I don't have a title for this chapter yet...)
  • It will be the final chapter and sum up the book. It will end on a serious note, and talk about how being a concession worker is coming of age. This book is coming of age story. It will talk about how concessions relates to life, and what everything means in the grand scheme of things.


Well, these are all my ideas for my book. I hope to start writing soon, now that summer is here. It is going to be a young adult coming of age story. I am really excited about it, and think it is going to be really funny. Well everyone, give me your input. If you have any ideas for me, and comments, just let me know! :) I'm going to bed now... It's 6:06 AM now... and I am tired. Goodnight all and love!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Second To Breathe...

Okay, so I started this blog last semester in EDUC 2230, not because I wanted to, but because I had to. Then, I started the next semester and took five English classes... because I am an idiot. However, I was never really able to come back here, on account of no time thanks to all my essay writing.

But now, the semester is almost over. Thank God for that... seriously, thank you God. :)

Well, I really don't have time to spend writing on a blog right now either. I have a huge paper for Dr. Pauley due on Wednesday, and if I can pull off a 95%, I'll get an A in the class. However, the trend in her class has been mostly B's and the occasional C. It is killing me, and I really want to do well... I am just so burnt out...

Also, next week I have Dr. Piontek's test, and Dr. Milliken's all essay test. I don't think either one will be difficult, I just really don't feel like studying for them! This weekend I have basically locked myself in my room only emerging for bathroom needs, and food. I look like an ogre I am pretty sure, and if I hadn't been starting into the computer screen for hours and my eyes were't blurry I would be able to make my face out in the mirror across my room. Perhaps its a good thing I can't! :)

Achievements this weekend however: I finished Professor Spradlin's take home final, Dr. Holtman's nine page take home final, and even Dr. Piontek's final paper.

Upon writing all of these I decided I was, and have been in, a major war with Microsoft Word this entire semester. Every paper I have written in a mini battle. If I get a A, I dominated the battle. B's, I won the battle. C's, I faired decently in the battle. Anything else, I didn't have to adress thankfully. However, I am getting ready to stage another battle for Dr. Pauley. The final battle. It is a hard paper though. But after that the war will be over... for a couple months a least. Wow... school is almost over until the end of August. Again: Thank you God. :)

Hmm... now that I have vented properly about finals week, let me vent about my life.

This has literally been the hardest semester of my life. Thanks to awesome professors I have made it through however. But really, life has been so hard lately. I don't really know how I am handling it. Papaw is basically on his deathbed, and everytime I see him he looks skinnier. He weighs about 100lbs. now. It is so sad to watch a family member die right before your eyes. Wow... the final stage of cancer you say? Okay... Wow...4 months to live? Okay... I guess...

Not only that, it is making my whole family crazy. Mom is so stressed out, and as I little grouchy. Totally understandable. However, admist this situation, and the hardest semester of my college career, I am also a little grouchy, and she is quick to point that out. Sorry Momma... I'm a little tense, don't take it personally. :)

Anyway, yeah, life is hard right now. I am s0o0o broke. I have actually never been this broke, with this many bills in my life. However, I really don't have time for a job with college and Microsoft Word battling me daily! >:P

Oh well, I am going to make it through the semester it seems. God has given me a strenght I really didn't know I had. Again: Thank you God! :) LoL...

Well, I have probably wasted enough time procrastinating the final battle with Word... I better go now. :(

Hopefully when this semester ends I can relax finally. I will be working on my book soon, might I add! I am pretty excited, and laugh if you will, but I am totally doing it, and it is going to be epic! "No, I'm Not a Carnie, I Bathe at Night"... totally happening! Maybe I will write some chapters on here... Hahah... that'll be fun...

Well all, I really should go now. Nature calls and if I don't leave this room to feed my stomach, I do believe it will feed on me.

--Much love to all...